Floyd Memorial Library




(Revised  July 12, 2021)



This organization shall be called “The Board of Trustees of the Floyd Memorial Library”. It is authorized by the provisions of the Constitution of the Greenport Library Association.



Sect. A.

The Board of Trustees shall be composed of eight members, selected by the members of the Library Association at regularly, scheduled, annual public meeting of the Association.  Four of the Trustees must reside in the Greenport school district, four in the Oysterponds school district.

Sect. B.

Each Trustee shall be elected for a term of five years; but no Trustee shall be elected for consecutive terms, either full or partial, which total more than 14 years. A Trustee who has served more than 14 years consecutively shall not  be eligible to serve a further term until at least one year has elapsed from the end of the last term which he or she has served.

Sect. C.

If a Trustee has vacated her or his office, the Board of Trustees shall appoint a replacement to serve the balance of the unexpired term, subject to confirmation by the members of the Library Association at their next annual public meeting.

Sect. D.

The Board of Trustees shall promulgate policy with respect to the Library’s employees and operations. It shall be responsible for the financial affairs of the Library, including the preparation of an annual budget and monitoring the flow of income and expenditures. It shall oversee the Library’s operations and plan for the Library’s future.

Sect. E.

The Trustees shall annually elect from among themselves a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, at the first meeting Each year on the first meeting before the annual public meeting of  the Floyd Memorial Library Association, the President shall appoint a committee of three trustees to meet among themselves and nominate candidates for these offices.

At the first meeting of the Board following the Association’s annual meeting this nominating committee shall present its slate of candidates to the Board and, after any additional nominations have been made by any of the members of the Board, the officers shall be elected by secret ballot. The votes of a simple majority of members present shall suffice to elect any officer.

The officers of the Board of Trustees shall hold office at the pleasure of the Board and shall be subject to its rules and direction. They shall have the usual powers and duties of such officers, and any other powers and duties with which they may be specifically charged by the Board.

The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Trustees. She or he may authorize calls for special meetings, appoint all committees, execute all documents authorized by the Board, serve as an ex-officio voting member of all committees, and, in general, perform all of  the duties which are conventionally associated with his or her office.

The Vice-President shall assume the duties and functions of the President in the event of absence or incapacity of the President, or in the event of a vacancy in that office.

The Secretary shall keep a true and accurate record of all of the meetings of the Board of Trustees, shall issue notices of all regular and special meetings, and perform such other duties as are generally associated with his or her office. In the absence or incapacity of the Secretary, his or her duties shall be performed by such other member or members of the Board of Trustees as the Board may designate.

The Treasurer shall be the disbursing officer of the Board of Trustees, paying expenses which have been approved by the Board, and performing those duties which are normally recognized as devolving upon her or his office. In the absence or incapacity of the Treasurer, his or her duties shall be performed by such other member or members of the Board of Trustees as the Board may designate. Bonding of the Treasurer, or of any substitute or substitutes, shall be at the discretion of the Board.


Regular meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be held monthly at the Library. They shall be open to the public except when consideration of labor contracts, personnel actions, or other matters of sensitivity as defined in public Officers Law of New York State, Article 7, Section 100, et al shall require executive session.

Sect. B. Special meetings of the Board of Trustees may be called by the President at his or her discretion, or shall be called upon written request of three Trustees.

Sect. C. Notice of the time and place of every regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees shall be 1) provided by the Secretary to the usual address of each member of the Board at least 5 days, and not more than 10 days, before the meeting; 2) posted by the Secretary in the lobby of the Library in a format of at least 8 1/2 by 11 inches, and for at least one week before the meeting.

Sect. D. Each member of the Board of Trustees shall receive through normal Library channels of distribution, and in a timely manner, all available information pertinent to the next meeting of the Board.

Sect. E. A quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of  the Board shall consist of 4 members of the Board.

Sect. F. The order of business for regular meetings shall include, but not be limited to, the following which shall be addressed in the following order insofar as time and circumstances permit:

1) Disposition of the minutes of the previous regular meeting and of any intervening special meetings


2) Treasurer’s report


3) Public expression


4) Action on bills


5) Director’s report


6) Committee reports


7) Communications


8) Unfinished business


9) New business


10) Nominations and elections


11) Executive session


12) Adjournment


Sect. G. No action may be taken by the Board while it is in executive session.

Sect. H. The affirmative vote of a simple majority of the members of the Board present shall suffice to approve any action before the Board.

 Sect. I. proceedings of all meetings shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of order unless the Rules conflict with provisions of  these bylaws.

 Sect. J. Public Expression Guidelines: The meeting of the Library Board is held in public.  The Public Expression agenda item allows persons wishing to address the Library Board to make a statement.  In the interest of time, statements should not exceed five minutes in length.  Individuals should not expect to engage in discussion with the members of the Library Board.  The Board President may or may not respond to statements made.  Questions on items of policy and procedure should be submitted in writing and will be answered in writing.



Sect. A. The President shall appoint the following standing committees:

1) Budget and finance

2) Buildings and grounds

3) Goals and long-term planning

4) Personnel

5) Public relations


The duties of each standing committee shall be such as are conventionally associated with its name or as may be assigned to it by the president;-

Sect. B. The President may appoint ad hoc committees for specific purposes as the business of the Board of Trustees shall require. Each committee shall be considered to be discharged when it has completed the purpose for which it was appointed and after it has made its final report to the Board.

Sect. C. No committee shall have other than advisory powers unless it is granted specific power by the Board of Trustees.


Sect. A. The Board shall employ a qualified library director who shall be the executive and administrative officer of the library on behalf of the Board of Trustees, and he or she shall work under the direction and review of the Board.

Sect. B. The Director shall perform the duties customarily associated with his or her position. In particular, she or he shall recommend to the Board the employment of other employees and specify their duties. He or she shall also be held responsible for the proper direction and supervision of the staff; for the care and maintenance of Library property; for an adequate and proper selection of books and other media; for the efficiency of the Library’s service to the public; and for the Library’s financial operation within the limitations of the budget.

Sect. C. Personnel policies and patron circulation policies shall, by reference, be incorporated as a part of these Bylaws and may be changed only by action of the Board of Trustees.


Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed at any regular meeting of the Board of Trustees, but shall become effective only after a favorable vote at a subsequent regular meeting of the Board.